Thursday, March 3, 2011

What is the World Coming To?

Tuesday, I sat at a light tearing up because of what I was looking at. I hate driving by corners, light, streets and seeing those who are so very much less fortunate as I am. I am so extremely grateful for the life I have lived in and the opportunities I have at my fingertips. At the light, waiting to turn left there was a young man and his dog. I don't always help people that seem to be "begging" it depends on the feeling I get when I look at them. And I got an overwhelming sad feeling looking at the man and his dog. I felt helpless, and so much empathy for this person. So I just could not help myself but make a U-turn and head straight home. I walked in the house I got a bag of dog food, a tubberware container filled with water and a dog treat all in one bag. I then preceded to see what money I had to help the man as well not only the dog. So I left my house once again and went to the same light and I gave it to this man, the gratitude in his eyes just made me melt. I knew this person needed this and he was truly grateful and I believe he did the right thing with the money I have gave him. And to think he might have been thinking a prayer was answered but I knew that it was my prayer answered, I had my heart opened and I felt grateful for my life, and what I have. So I then turned and I was making another U-turn to head home because I really do not know why I was even there to begin with to start this, but as I was turning back I saw the man give his dog the treat and the excitement the dog had just brought tears to my eyes. I do not know why but I was so touched by all of this. It was something that I needed, and I thank him and his dog for that.

I feel so much sadness to those who are out there. I just wish I could help so many people. I feel like everyday I see more and more people out there struggling to even stay alive. This world we are living is our own fault. I can not believe the greed and selfishness that our world is surrounded by. I don't know if it really is bad as I feel it is or maybe I am just growing up and I no longer see only the pretty flowers.

I just wish there was a way to change it.

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