My life has changed dramatically, and I am not sure it is as many think. A lot of my thoughts, and opinions have changed. I don't know why or how but they have. Things I thought so strongly on is no longer as important to me, or things that weren't as important are so much more important. though often I feel like how could i grow so much in a year with no school or work, I feel as though I have grown so much. I feel like such a different person. I am not sure what I want to write in this entry, I just feel like writing so I might end up rambling on about who knows what.
So things I have kinda changed, I mean certain realities you don't expect to face you do. I realized life can change so fast, with one mistake or not a mistake everything can change within a second or day, or a few days or a month but however long it is, it can change so much. But I also have learned those one or few people in your life that is always there can change so much. There are things you feel so broken about but those people in your life can prove to you it is okay what's thrown in your life because they are always there for you, and though life may seem hard, or changing before your eyes your reminded you are not alone, that there is always someone out there that will be there and help you. I'm not sure where I am trying to get at except I know i am not alone even at the times when I feel I am facing my trials alone but I am not.
So one another note, I need to figure out my priorities in life. I know what I want to become, but I won't get there unless I set goals for myself and guidelines for my life. I need to figure out what I think is the most important things to concentrate for the time. I know I will not get anywhere I want to go unless I get on it and do it. I can't just talk about it, I have to do it. I just feel very unaccomplished and that feeling eats me inside everyday and I hate it! I don't want to face myself knowing I have done nothing to better myself in this world. I know I can be someone great but I will never get there doing nothing. So I guess what I am trying to say and I need to find motivation in myself and fix what is going on.
Well I guess this will be the end of this blog. I hope I keep this up. I like writing and I think I need to do it more.
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