The Jenifer I was once knew was willing, excited, open-minded, unafraid and ready for just about anything thrown at her. Though I believe I still have many of these or not all I feel so weird and different...I mean seriously who am I? Where is the Jenifer I knew, everyone says they know who I am and blah blah blah and yeah maybe they do but isn't it more important for me to know and me be comfortable with me??? I just feel that slowly I'm loosing myself, though at the same time and I'm becoming me and being me....I am so confused but I just feel lost.
I have no idea if anything of this made sense...but I just really wanna find myself stick to that and be happy.
I look at the life I'm creating now and I love it, yet I look at what I use to have and miss it and wish I could have some of it back...I wish I could have the best of both worlds...but I'm not Hannah Montana I just gotta find my happiness where I'm at now...and make the changes to be the most happy!
I have no idea if anything of this made sense...but I just really wanna find myself stick to that and be happy.
I look at the life I'm creating now and I love it, yet I look at what I use to have and miss it and wish I could have some of it back...I wish I could have the best of both worlds...but I'm not Hannah Montana I just gotta find my happiness where I'm at now...and make the changes to be the most happy!