Sunday, October 16, 2011
I have always had a soft spot for children, I have always wanted to help, or do anything they may need. I want them all to have a wonderful life, I do not like seeing children safely. For a really long time I have wanted to do something special for children, I have had many ideas but one stands out beyond the rest. But sadly, my funds are low, but I will figure out a way to make my dream come true, to make those of children more possible to come true. I think some may feel like I am being unrealistic to try and do something when I don't have the money but that will not stop from trying this. I want to make a difference in this world, that has been a dream, I will not leave this world without doing all that I can, to help others. I hope that I will get support from those I love the most and won't think I am crazy.
"Be the change you want to see in the world"
Friday, August 19, 2011
Oh the Blessings :)

The New Things Happening These Days:
I am an official graduate!
Old friendships are being rekindled
Making New Friends
Amazing Boyfriend
Officially Looking for a Pharmacy Technician Job
Studying for my national test
Playing the waiting game for my Pharmacy Technician license to come
Anxious to start my life
I really want my own place to decorate
My house is full of people!
My nieces give me hope in the world!
I am becoming a healthier me!
I am a grateful for so many things and too often I forget to stop and smell the roses!
I Love My Life!! <3

Monday, March 7, 2011
Just a look into my world lately. I am surrounded by amazing friends and amazing family! I am thankful everyday for everyone in my life! And my family just continues to grow :) I love my life! Sometimes I do often feel down about myself, but then I look around and see who is standing next to me and then I know I have nothing to be upset or worried about. But I know life is constant journey of bettering ourselves and that is what I am going to do! Be the best there is for me!

Say Anything (Max Bemis)
Friday, February 25, 2011 Max Bemis Solo Show!!!
Jon's favorite band is Say Anything, and the lead singer is Max Bemis he did a solo show and we went to the Troubadour in West Hollywood. Stood in the pouring down rain for at least 6 hours! But we made the best of it and enjoyed almost every second of it. Made new friends, and also saw others we have met before. We had a blast as usual Jon was in heaven and in love! Ha! I had my first star moment, I made eye contact with Max Bemis, it was as though he starred right into my soul or something. And here are some pictures from that and some videos. :)
Thursday, March 3, 2011
What is the World Coming To?
Tuesday, I sat at a light tearing up because of what I was looking at. I hate driving by corners, light, streets and seeing those who are so very much less fortunate as I am. I am so extremely grateful for the life I have lived in and the opportunities I have at my fingertips. At the light, waiting to turn left there was a young man and his dog. I don't always help people that seem to be "begging" it depends on the feeling I get when I look at them. And I got an overwhelming sad feeling looking at the man and his dog. I felt helpless, and so much empathy for this person. So I just could not help myself but make a U-turn and head straight home. I walked in the house I got a bag of dog food, a tubberware container filled with water and a dog treat all in one bag. I then preceded to see what money I had to help the man as well not only the dog. So I left my house once again and went to the same light and I gave it to this man, the gratitude in his eyes just made me melt. I knew this person needed this and he was truly grateful and I believe he did the right thing with the money I have gave him. And to think he might have been thinking a prayer was answered but I knew that it was my prayer answered, I had my heart opened and I felt grateful for my life, and what I have. So I then turned and I was making another U-turn to head home because I really do not know why I was even there to begin with to start this, but as I was turning back I saw the man give his dog the treat and the excitement the dog had just brought tears to my eyes. I do not know why but I was so touched by all of this. It was something that I needed, and I thank him and his dog for that.
I feel so much sadness to those who are out there. I just wish I could help so many people. I feel like everyday I see more and more people out there struggling to even stay alive. This world we are living is our own fault. I can not believe the greed and selfishness that our world is surrounded by. I don't know if it really is bad as I feel it is or maybe I am just growing up and I no longer see only the pretty flowers.
I just wish there was a way to change it.
I feel so much sadness to those who are out there. I just wish I could help so many people. I feel like everyday I see more and more people out there struggling to even stay alive. This world we are living is our own fault. I can not believe the greed and selfishness that our world is surrounded by. I don't know if it really is bad as I feel it is or maybe I am just growing up and I no longer see only the pretty flowers.
I just wish there was a way to change it.
Friday, February 11, 2011
Things Running Through My Head...
It is a very rare thing for me to say I am proud of myself, but with that said I feel very proud of myself. I feel like I am getting things under control, I'm growing up and realizing what is in store(anything I want!). I just feel very blessed with the people in my life and the many opportunities I have. I am happy I am in school to become a Pharmacy Technician, will I do that forever? Who knows, but it is what I want to do now. I know school is always there. When you leave this world you don't take posessions or money you take your knowledge, wisdom, and love and I want to die rich with that. I want to live a life learning new things all the time!
I want to be a positive person, I don't want negative aspects in my life. I am happy and if something is in the way of that I will remove it from my life. I want to be the best person I can be, and I want to give to those who aren't as fortunate as I am, I want to live a life helping. Lately' I have been thinking about doing some kind of volunteer work, like something I put together and I do to help a certain cause. But what should I do? Should I even do it?
I can't wait to move out and start a life with Jon, I mean we already started our life together but I can't wait for the future. I am very blessed to have such a loving, sweet, encouraging man in my life. He treats me like a princess I feel so spoiled most days. I love him, and I am grateful for our relationship and even everything we went through because it has brought us closer and stronger. He means the world to me, I feel as though he has completed my life.
I am just very blessed and very thankful. I do long for change though, but I know the change that is needed will happen in due time. :)
I want to be a positive person, I don't want negative aspects in my life. I am happy and if something is in the way of that I will remove it from my life. I want to be the best person I can be, and I want to give to those who aren't as fortunate as I am, I want to live a life helping. Lately' I have been thinking about doing some kind of volunteer work, like something I put together and I do to help a certain cause. But what should I do? Should I even do it?
I can't wait to move out and start a life with Jon, I mean we already started our life together but I can't wait for the future. I am very blessed to have such a loving, sweet, encouraging man in my life. He treats me like a princess I feel so spoiled most days. I love him, and I am grateful for our relationship and even everything we went through because it has brought us closer and stronger. He means the world to me, I feel as though he has completed my life.
I am just very blessed and very thankful. I do long for change though, but I know the change that is needed will happen in due time. :)
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