This is summer to remember! With ups and downs, but they ups take over the downs! I have been living something great, recreating who I am but keeping me as well! I have done so much and still not stopping! Each day and night as memorable as the last...with very few dull moments! Though I have lost a lot it seems, I'm gaining so much more! I have found myself in ways I didn't know exsisted! I am happy with myself, I'm learning that everything has a reason and a lesson but its up to you if you can figure out the lesson!
I kinda feel I haven't done good enough, I'm probably not starting school in the fall and though I wish I was, I'm kinda happy I'm not I feel it might be a good things but I guess we'll see! I keep second guessing what I want to be so maybe this will be good! But I won't be able to waste any time after this short break because I need school!
My life is changing with every step that I take and though some may see it as I'm losing myself I feel as though I'm finding myself. I lost myself awhile ago and now I'm finding the person I became but was too scared to show it. I can't walk two step behind anyone anymore! I was living my life by what others said and wanted from me not what I wanted. I like being me and I like doing what I am doing! Its crazy to think you can see yourself change and develop and I can but thats ok with me :)
I am so happy right now! I just wish for a few changes But I can't really complain!